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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2013-02-04 16:05:29 | 浏览量:740



喷射雾化喷嘴的另一个常见的类型是液压的压力。在这里,流体是通过泵加压,然后被迫穿过的孔,以划分该液体内细滴。的孔的大小的范围内大约0.5至3毫米的范围内。其结果是,一个简单的喷嘴定义为约700 kg / h的整个进料,这也是依赖于粘度,压力,尺寸的孔的固体含量以及有限的顺序。




essentials that you should know for your spray dryer
posted on september 12, 2012 by admin
comprising of three stages, spray dryer is used with the atomization process of any liquid feed in a fine spray or drops, the spray contacts and is suspended through a stream of hot gas, allowing the evaporation of the liquid and removing the dry solid, in the similar shape and size that of the atomized droplets. finally, through the gas stream, the dry powder substance is divided and collected. the spent out drying gas is now treated for meeting environmental requirements after which they are emitted within air or it may either be re-circulated within the system.

the key option atomization
various types of spraying can be used, including centrifugal, sonic atomization nozzle and air.
the particle size distribution on the medium is almost constant in any given method that is used for atomization. roofing medium itself may vary from as small as 15 microns to a range of 250 microns; however, it is greatly dependant on the quantity of energy that has been transmitted into the liquid. moreover, the mass liquid flow, the solid contents, its viscosity as well as the surface tension, have a direct influence on the particle size but, not to the extent of the peripheral speed of the wheel. thus an increase within the rate of the feed might also increase the size of the particle, but using a centrifugal atomizer of a variable speed can facilitate the correction of the size that has been specified.

another common type of spray atomizing nozzle is the hydraulic pressure. here the fluid is pressurized by means of a pump and then forced to pass through a hole in order to divide that liquid within fine droplets. the size of the holes lies within the range of approx 0.5 to 3 mm. the result is that a simple nozzle is defined to a limited order of about 700 kg / h of the entire feed, which is also dependant on the viscosity, pressure, size as well as the solid contents of the orifice.

an increased pressure of the drop all over that orifice results in smaller droplets and to reduce the size of the particle for any given flow of the feed, the nozzle requires to be replaced by a much smaller orifice. this also requires greater pressure from the pump so as to obtain the right quantity of the flow that passes through the injector. some large systems can have as much as 50 nozzles, thereby, making it difficult to control the particle size.

the third method being used mainly in small spray dryer systems is the two-fluid pneumatic atomization. where atomization is achieved through creating an environment of interaction within the first fluid with the second fluid that is normally compressed air. under this situation, neither the air pressure nor the liquid requires to be really high. perhaps, a typical range between 200 and 350 kpa can get the job done. the size of the particles is controlled through changing the overall ratio of the liquid flow to that of the compressed air flow.

a great benefit of this type of atomization can be attributed to the reduced velocity levels of the liquid at the time of exiting the nozzle, which also results in a flight path requiring shorter drying. with this, the two-fluid nozzle process becomes suitable for using in equipment of laboratory and pilot scale.


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