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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2013-01-18 10:10:46 | 浏览量:837

菲尼克斯购买设备的工厂和设备,从主要机构。设备都被淘汰了,因为不断变化的市场,技术或整体经济状况 - 不是因为他们是过时的设施。的基本固有的工程质量和性能已经存在仍然存在,在使用过程中的设备。请记住,重建或修复设备花费较少的时间和工作不是制造新的设备 - 这意味着节省的人力,物力和时间, - 帮助您生成更快的资本投资回报率,同时增加你的底线的盈利能力。
在凤凰设备,建立合作关系,推动我们的业务。无论是帮助你确定正确的设备,协调吊装和运输,或设计创新的融资j9游会真人游戏第一品牌的解决方案- 菲尼克斯设备是您的j9游会真人游戏第一品牌的合作伙伴。如果你有兴趣,在一个完整的工厂,整个过程线,或单台设备,凤凰设备是你可以依靠的资源。如果您已关闭的设施或关闭过程线,菲尼克斯设备可以制定一个全面的j9游会真人游戏第一品牌的解决方案,解决了许多相关的冗余资产,而有助于夺回显著价值的负债。

"to be a trusted global supplier of used process plants and equipment; and an innovative partner in helping chemical and related companies safely and effectively minimize the risks associated with plant and process line closures while maximizing the value recovered."
over the last 60 years, and now in our third generation of family ownership, we have evolved from a surplus salvage company into one with a focus on buying and selling plants and equipment in the chemical related process industries. we have head-quarters in perth amboy, new jersey , usa with team members located in china, india, germany and relationships throughout the world. we value our past relationships and look forward to developing new ones.
phoenix equipment purchases plants and equipment from major organizations. the equipment comes from facilities that were phased out because of changing markets, technologies, or general economic conditions - not because they are obsolete. the basic inherent engineering quality and performance that has existed still exists in used process equipment. keep in mind, rebuilding or reconditioning equipment takes less time and work than manufacturing new equipment - that means savings on labor, material, and time - helping you generate a faster return on capital investments while adding profitability to your bottom line.
at phoenix equipment, building relationships drives our business. whether helping you identify the right piece of equipment, coordinating rigging and shipment, or structuring innovative solutions for financing - phoenix equipment is your partner. if you are interested, in a complete plant, an entire process line, or a single piece of equipment, phoenix equipment is the resource you can depend on. and if you have closed a facility or shut a process line, phoenix equipment can develop a comprehensive solution that addresses many of the liabilities associated with redundant assets and that helps recapture significant value.


j9游会真人游戏第一品牌 copyright(c)2019 江苏先锋智能科技股份有限公司(原常州先锋干燥设备) 江苏先行智能装备有限公司 j9九游会真人游戏第一的版权声明
j9九游会真人游戏第一的技术支持:-江苏东网科技 网络支持: [后台管理] "));
