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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2013-01-06 00:00:00 | 浏览量:897


旋转九游会j9·(中国)真人游戏第一品牌是一个类型的工业烘干设备,减少或^小化它处理通过将它用加热的气体直接接触的材料的水分含量。 heyl & patterson,这种类型的机制造,材料,矿产和冶金矿石的化学品和肥料,五谷杂粮,以及纸浆,颜料,生物质能,煤,油砂和土壤修复。



重型锻造钢轮胎或骑自行车环安装在外壳上。这些光环支持,因为它的外壳上耳轴辊的旋转和休息。在除了耳轴辊,推力辊有助于保持在其正确的纵向位置的壳。 shell通常于2-6 rpm,使用的齿条和小齿轮或链条和链轮驱动系统旋转。齿条和小齿轮驱动的车型一般采用截齿齿轮的圆周,这是一分为二,以适应安装,并允许齿轮反转,使用寿命长。

heyl & patterson转筒干燥器的设计和建造,以客户的要求。因为我们自定义的工程师,回转烘干机,并保持原来的图纸,我们可以根据原来的规格,升级或维修服务的任何机。 heyl & patterson提供^的客户支持之前,期间和之后,我们提供的每一个产品的购买。

the anatomy of a rotary dryer

a rotary dryer is a type of industrial drying equipment that reduces or minimizes the moisture content of the material it handles by bringing it into direct contact with a heated gas. as manufactured by heyl & patterson, this type of dryer is suitable for materials ranging from minerals and metallurgical ores to chemicals and fertilizers to grains and cereals, as well as paper pulp, pigments, biomass, coal, oil sands and soil remediate.

the heart of a rotary dryer is a rotating cylinder, or shell, that is slightly inclined to the horizontal. its length may be four to ten times its diameter. material is fed into one end of the cylinder and, by virtue of its rotation and slope as well as the head effect of the material, it exits continuously from the other end. the interior of the shell is equipped with specially designed flights that advance the feed material into the active zone of the shell and efficiently expose the material to the heat source.

the rotating shell operates at neutral or slightly negative pressure and is sealed at each end to stationary breechings or end boxes. various seal configurations are used to connect the breechings to the cylinder, depending on the process conditions. these vary from simple fabric segments to sophisticated metallic seals. wet feed material enters the cylinder through one of the breechings and exits through the other. likewise, heated air enters and exits through the breechings. any stationary downstream equipment such as the air heater, conveyors, air locks and off-gas handling equipment is sealed to these breechings.

heavy forged steel tires or riding rings are mounted on the shell. these rings support the shell as it rotates and rests on trunnion rolls. in addition to the trunnion rolls, thrust rolls help maintain the shell in its correct longitudinal position. the shell generally rotates at 2-6 rpm using either a rack and pinion or chain and sprocket drive system. rack and pinion drive models generally utilize a cut-tooth circumferential gear, which is split in two to accommodate mounting and to permit gear reversal for longer life.

heyl & patterson rotary dryers are designed and built to the customer's requirements. because we custom engineer each rotary dryer and maintain the original drawings, we can service any dryer with upgrades or repairs according to its original specifications. heyl & patterson provides superior customer support before, during and after the purchase of every product we supply.


j9游会真人游戏第一品牌 copyright(c)2019 江苏先锋智能科技股份有限公司(原常州先锋干燥设备) 江苏先行智能装备有限公司 j9九游会真人游戏第一的版权声明
j9九游会真人游戏第一的技术支持:-江苏东网科技 网络支持: [后台管理] "));
